Identification of Natural Leather, Artificial Leather, and Recycled Leather
classification:Industry time:2023-10-12 10:57:15
How can we distinguish them well? The current artificial leather technology is very advanced. When purchasing leather products, we should carefully distinguish them and not buy fake leather products that do not match the price (unless we want to buy artificial leather ourselves).

Visual identification method

Distinguish from the patterns, pores, and other aspects of leather. Patterns and pores can be seen on the surface of natural leather, and they are evenly distributed (just like human skin, which is naturally distributed). The side section has obvious layers, and there are animal tissue fibers in the lower layer. Scratching with fingernails will cause leather fibers to stand up and feel fluffy, and a small amount of fibers can also fall off; On the back of synthetic leather, the fabric can be seen, with no animal fibers on the side and no pores on the surface. However, some have faux leather artificial pores, which may have inconspicuous pores and unclear patterns, or have relatively regular artificial patterns with consistent pores (very regular distribution); Although regenerated leather contains animal fibers, they are all compressed from short broken fibers, and the surface naturally lacks natural patterns and pores.